
Torrentflux is a very useful web-application to download torrent on Linux, based on php and Apache webserver.

Pratically, the only interface of this program is a website where the user can easily manage the torrent downloads. It’s very useful because it runs in background without use the GUI and the influence on the system is low. Moreover, the web interface permits to enable the access to the Torrentflux by remote, just setting the right ports forwarding on the home router and using the public IP assigned by the ISP provider on the home connection.

This program runs on apache (PHP webserver) and use the mysql engine.
So, for a debian-based linux the installation steps are:

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-client mysql-server mysql-common

and follow the required database configuration (mainly are required passwords for the database users).

$ sudo apt-get install php5 php5-mysql
$ sudo apt-get install apache2

and then the last step

$ sudo apt-get install torrentflux

After these steps, the Apache2 service need to be restarted

$ sudo service apache2 restart

and the link to the application checked under /var/www/html/.
If is not present, it is necessary to create the link to torrentflux on the webserver

$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/torrentflux/www/ /var/www/html/torrentflux

Finally, the Torrentflux web interface should be running at address

Have good downloads!